• Members from around the Group have put together this wonderful display of their gardens and flower arrangements for us to enjoy!

    The Bridges Group Flower Festival from Rachel Knight on Vimeo.

  • St Peter’s Wormleighton - Notes for June 2020 Thinking about what to write Alan Hone my good and much-missed friend and sometimes religious mentor (alongside some other local worthies), lately from Priors Hardwick and now I hear residing in the depths of rural Norfolk, once (allegedly) submitted a Parish News article that he had written a few years earlier to see if anyone noticed. Alas, this somewhat unorthodox measure of the effectiveness, impact or memorability of our painstakingly written pieces had the disappointing outcome that NOBODY NOTICED or COMMENTED!

  • St Peter’s Wormleighton - Notes for July 2020 A sense of humour goes a long way One of my more obvious - and perhaps for many who know me – most annoying characteristics is a tendency to make excessive use of modern means of communication - e-mails in my case and not social media. Covid-19 and its associated lockdown allied to the fact that my normal flow of translation projects has dried-up, have all given me (in theory anyway) an excessive amount of free time to devote to contacting my many friends.

  • Our churches are open for private prayer - you are welcome to come in and pray. 

    We hope you will find comfort and peace in these sacred spaces, that you can be still before God who cares for you and those you love.

    St. Mary's at Priors Hardwick will be open on Wednesdays from 2.00pm to 7.00pm and Sundays from 8.00am to 1.00pm

    St. Peter's at Wormleighton will be open on Sundays from 10.00am until 6.00pm

    St. Michael's at Stockton will be open on Wednesdays from 9.00am to 1.00pm and Saturdays from 3.00pm to 7.00pm

  • In terms of our Church Activities, we have had 3 important events of note in recent months: 1/ The first event was the well-attended lecture by Earl Spencer on Prince Rupert, a fascinating major figure in European 17th Century history. This event chalked up another success for St Peter’s PCC, with the story of Rupert of the Rhine being presented in the flawlessly fluent, highly professional and never dull manner which we have come to expect from our Patron.

  • What are we getting wrong?: there is little doubt that the Church in some rural villages has just not adapted itself to 21st Century Life. The digital age has reached into most corners of modern life. A church service has to compete with lots of other activities for people’s time. We have a young generation currently obsessed with their Smartphones and X-boxes and social media to the extent that some even find normal communication methods like speech difficult and prefer putting their thoughts on F.B or Twitter.

  • When the gamekeepers become the poachers

    The Church of England is rightly seen by the general public as the Guardian of our Nation’s Moral Standards. Whether such guardianship has EVER been fully claimed or willingly assumed by the Church or even deserved is really immaterial. But Society rightly or wrongly will always judge the Church and its members by their actions and by whether they “practice what they preach”. Any failure, great or small, by the Church to meet the requisite standards has, unfortunately, a disproportionately large and negative effect on its reputation

  • The gamekeepers must not become the poachers The Church of England is or should be seen by the general public as being the Guardian of our Nation’s Moral Standards. Our Queen as Head of the Church of England has, above all throughout her long reign, striven bravely and successfully to maintain the highest standards, although, it is fair to say, some members of her family have failed to follow her nearly perfect example.

  • Thinking about what we are doing Having consideration for others is an important part of our duty towards our fellow human beings. One assumes that the Chinese man who ate the snake that ate the bat possibly after a first course of tiger bones soup did not consider that the likely outcome of his meal would potentially bring global humanity’s lives to an almost complete stand-still when he became the first person to catch and pass on the Corona virus.

  • During the Covid-19 outbreak, while our churches are closed, you will see a separate page that includes a list of our on-line services.  You are welcome to join us in worship.