Napton on the Hill
Napton is a hilltop village, mentioned in the Doomsday Book (1086). It is a village full of character and charm with a diverse array of properties, some dating back 400 years. The hill is encircled by the Grand Union and Oxford canals. The canals and the numerous footpaths give people a chance to explore the wonderful countryside.
St. Lawrence’s Church dates to the medieval period with evidence of older fabric of Norman influence. It is situated on the top of the hill, alongside the windmill, with breath-taking views. It attracts many birdwatchers as the church is on a migratory route for many birds. It is a delightful, peaceful church, with a strong spiritual presence. It has a variety of interesting features and improvements, including toilets and an area to serve refreshments.
Worship is celebrated in several ways, from Common Worship Holy Communion to lay-led informal worship. There are two active home groups. The church family supports those in need, of all ages, in both the local and wider communities. It has recently taken over the running of the weekly “Babes & Tots” group which meets in the village hall.
Various events take place throughout the year to celebrate the love of God, to build relationships and raise essential funds, both in the church and out in the village. The church enjoys being actively involved with life, families and many community activities, held in and around the parish, including the much-acclaimed annual music festival and bike ride. There are two schools in the village: the C of E primary school of St. Lawrence and the Arc – a private school that provides for needs that cannot be met in mainstream settings. The church celebrates special festivals with both schools. Church members also support the church school as governors and volunteers in the classroom. We are also making stronger connections with the Arc School and hope to be more actively involved with them as they develop their RE curriculum.
Car-parking is available along the lane leading to the church. The church has accessible toilets, a servery, children's area and a separate smaller room for meetings.