Acts of Remembrance
Remembrance Day
Due to the current restrictions on large gatherings because of the Coronavirus, we have decided that it would be unwise to hold big Remembrance Day services in their traditional format this year. We appreciate this will be disappointing for many people as it is such an important opportunity to pay tribute locally to those who have lost their lives in war in order to secure our peace today. There will be a simple, short Act of Remembrance in each village as follows:
Priors Hardwick - Act of Remembrance at 11.00am at the War Memorial.
Priors Marston – Act of Remembrance at 12noon at the War Memorial.
Wormleighton - Act of Remembrance at 10.00am.
Stockton - Act of Remembrance at 12noon at the War Memorial in Jubilee Field. We also hope to provide a recorded service on-line with contributions from the uniformed organisations etc.
Napton – See WMWP article in Napton’s magazine
Lower Shuckburgh - Act of Remembrance at 2.00pm at the War Memorial
If your organisation usually lays a wreath at the Memorial, please invite a representative to come along to do that.
Please follow the current Government requirements:
- The public can only attend with their own household or those in their support bubble or individuals with one other person from outside their household
- Social distancing must be observed at all times
- Those who have tested Covid positive or displayed Covid symptoms in the last 14 days or are self-isolating must not attend
- And everyone attending must sign in, either using the church QR code, that will be available, for the NHS Test & Trace or with paper and pen (please bring your own pen!)