In loving memory of AMY JANE RAWBONE departed this life 28th Novr 1929. Also her husband ARTHUR RAWBONE departed this life April 19th 1945 aged 85 years (A 27)
In loving memory of CHARLES RAWBONE born Decr 2nd 1826, died Jany 9th 1896. Also of SARAH ANN wife of the above born April 19th 1826, died Decr 19th 1902. Also their granddaughter MARJORIE MAY daughter of ARTHUR and AMY RAWBONE died April 26th 1939 aged 30 years (A 30)
In loving memory of THOMAS son of CHARLES and SARAH ANN RAWBONE born December 22nd 1865 died January 27th 1895 (A 31)
In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM RAWBONE who died April 20th 1874 aged 79 years. Also ANN relict of the above who died August 28th 1876 aged 78 years (A33)
In loving memory of ARTHUR PAGE RAWBONE firstborn of ARTHUR and AMY JANE RAWBONE. Born 13th July 1903 departed this life 27th March 1908 (A 35)
In loving memory of EDWARD RAWBONE died 30th December 1892 aged 65. Also ELIZABETH wife of the above died 19th Aug 1902 aged 83 (B 8)
Treasured memories of WALTER WILLIAM RAWBONE (WAL) died 7th April 1975 aged 70 years God Bless and Keep You. Also his wife MARGUERITE CHRISTINE (RITA) died 3rd February 1998 aged 85. (C 1)
Loving memories of a dear husband and father PERCY GEORGE REDGRAVE who passed away 27th January 1972 aged 70 years. Remembered always by is wife JEAN and family (C 17)
In loving memory of a wife, mum and grandmother ELIZABETH DOREEN REDGRAVE 7.11.1950 - 26.7.2003 Forever in our hearts (GR 74)
Loving memories of our dear mother and father MARGARET ANN RICE who passed away 5th March 1975 aged 91. Also JOSEPH HENRY RICE passed away 18th August 1966 aged 86 years. (C 51)
SHIRLEY ROBINSON 1941 - 2009 (GR 54)
JOHN RUSSELL yeoman was buried 20th of July Anno Domini 1575. (D !) This is a Grade II Listed Chest Tomb.
MARGARET his wife was buried on the 17th day of Aprill Anno Domini 1567. Set up by ROBERT RUSSELL theyre oldest sonne the 9th of April 1607 (D 2) This is a Grade II Listed Chest Tomb.