Video Services

While our building was closed for COVID-19 our church continues online.

Here is a selection from those services available here.

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Morning Worship for 4th Sunday of Easter This Sunday is often called "Good Shepherd Sunday" - join us to find out why!
Christmas isn't Cancelled This is the first of a series of four family-friendly videos in the lead-up to Christmas
Palm Sunday Service Our first venture into using this new medium.
Easter Sunday service of Holy Communion Join us for a celeration of the risen Jesus!
Good Friday Meditation Join us at the foot of the cross
Messy Church Easter Service Join in the Messy fun!
Christmas isn't Cancelled - Advent 2 Here is our second "Christmas isn't Cancelled" reflection for Advent!
Morning Worship for Advent 1 Here is a short reflective service for the first Sunday of Advent, put together by the team from St. Leonard's in Priors Marston
17.02.21 Ash Wednesday service Here is a service of Holy Communion and ashing for Ash Wednesday
Morning Worship for 3rd Sunday of Easter A service to reflect on our journey with Jesus as we meet the disciples on the road to Emmaus